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Mail Servers

Having mail in house has several advantages.

First it saves on the cost of having an Internet provider host is for you.

Secondly, the performance is much better on in house mail.

Imagine for a moment that you are sending an Email with a large attachment to the person in the office next door. That Email would travel to the Internet service provider (ISP) which in most cases is out of state. Then it would wait on the mail server until the recipient received it. On the way IN and on the way OUT it chokes your expensive Internet connection slowing down all the other users.

Then there is the security issue. The network administrators of the ISP have the ability to read your Email. That can have a big impact on your trade secrets not to mention the personal aspects of this type of security breach.

There are also issues of stability. Many ISPs suffer from frequent Email server outages. This is usually because the ISP mail servers become over loaded with traffic. ISPs are very vulnerable to spikes in usage, worms and viruses. They also tend to over sell services due to shrinking profit margins.
There are several Open Source Email server packages that your company could use for free. It has been our experience that these work well and are simple to maintain.
